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Conju - Build AI Powered Apps

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Build AI-powered apps and workflows effortlessly with Conju. Unlock the potential of LLM technology and create innovative solutions.

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What is Conju - Build AI Powered Apps?

Conju is an AI assistant designed for home services. It specializes in responding to missed callers, providing answers to their inquiries, and facilitating new sales through text messages. This advanced tool engages potential customers through personalized conversations, offers estimates, shares payment links, and sends appointment reminders. Additionally, Conju seamlessly integrates with popular customer relationship management (CRM) software and booking systems, enhancing its functionality and convenience.



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Conju - Build AI Powered Apps FQA

  • How does Conju turn missed calls into new sales?icon plus
  • What does Conju do with qualified leads?icon plus
  • Can Conju monitor and drop into conversations?icon plus
  • What industries does Conju serve?icon plus
  • Does Conju have a free tier?icon plus

Conju - Build AI Powered Apps Use Cases

Turn missed calls into new sales with AI.

Book new jobs while you sleep.

Qualifies leads and saves you hours.

Monitor and drop into conversations.

Start sms chats from your website.

Uses the same tools you do.

Built for the people who keep the world spinning.

Simple pricing with a money-back guarantee.

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