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Find out how you can improve your writing and boost your grades with our insightful score and feedback.



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GradeGenius FQA

  • What is the domain connected to GradeGenius?icon plus
  • How can I restore the connection to the Bubble application?icon plus
  • Where can I find more information about Bubble?icon plus
  • What are some features of Bubble?icon plus
  • Who owns Bubble?icon plus

GradeGenius Use Cases

GradeGenius is a Bubble app connected to the domain gradegenius.xyz.

The app's plan does not offer a custom domain, so the owner needs to upgrade the plan with Bubble to restore the connection.

Discover Bubble, a platform that offers features, showcases, pricing, AI, and resources on how to build.

GradeGenius offers responsive design, version control, an academy, feature index, integrations, security, releases, and status updates.

Explore the Bubble ecosystem, including the marketplace, templates, plugins, agencies, bootcamps, coaching, partnerships, and affiliates.

Join the Bubble community on the forum, blog, Immerse, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

Learn more about the Bubble company, including its about page, careers, values, press, brand guidelines, support, and contact information.

Access the terms, privacy policy, marketplace policies, acceptable use policy, GDPR/DPA compliance, and support policy.

GradeGenius is built on Bubble, a powerful app development platform.

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