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Hello Hiring Manager

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Instantly create personalized cover letters by copying and pasting job descriptions into Hello Hiring Manager. Boost your chances of landing your dream job!

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What is Hello Hiring Manager?

Hello Hiring Manager is an AI-powered platform designed to provide job seekers with an efficient solution for crafting job-winning cover letters. By inputting a job description and your resume, our platform generates a personalized cover letter that highlights your skills and experience, ultimately improving your job application.



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  • How does Hello Hiring Manager work?icon plus
  • Can I use Hello Hiring Manager for free?icon plus
  • Can I customize the generated cover letter?icon plus
  • Can I save my CV for future cover letters?icon plus
  • How can I contact Hello Hiring Manager?icon plus

Hello Hiring Manager Use Cases

Apply to jobs with personalized cover letters that feel authentic and read like they were written by hiring managers.

Receive a fully generated cover letter in seconds to add to your job application.

Generate 20 totally free cover letters.

Edit the text of the cover letter.

Add your CV to generate a cover letter specific to your work and education experience.

Save your CV for future cover letters.

View the full job description and CV.

Read articles on the website.

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