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Connect with celebrity entrepreneurs, practice pitching, and gain insights with our AI chatbot. Empower the next-gen startup leaders in our supportive community. Join Odyssei now!

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What is Odyssei?

Odyssei is an AI-powered platform designed to connect Gen-Z entrepreneurs with celebrity founders and industry experts for mentorship and guidance. By streamlining the user-professional matching process, Odyssei simplifies the experience of finding mentors in specific industries. Additionally, the platform offers various features to enrich the journey of building a startup.



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Odyssei FQA

  • What does Odyssei.io do?icon plus
  • How can I schedule sessions with mentors?icon plus
  • Can I create and showcase my pitch deck on Odyssei?icon plus
  • Does Odyssei.io have 3rd party integrations?icon plus
  • What is included in the Pro plan?icon plus

Odyssei Use Cases

Ability to create and showcase your pitch deck

Schedule sessions

3rd party Integrations

Personalized customer support experience

Ability to create teams and invite team members

Ability to interact in 3D and VR

Create custom communities

AI Assistant

Get your profile ready and build your team

Match with founders and experts.

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