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Revolutionize your book covers with CoverDesignAI, the AI-powered tool that offers tailored design inspirations, quick image selection, and effortless text removal. Get your book noticed with ease.

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What is CoverDesignAI?

CoverDesign AI is an innovative AI tool designed to assist authors and publishers in effortlessly creating captivating book covers. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, this tool offers personalized design inspiration based on the unique details of your book. Additionally, it provides Midjourney Prompts to encourage creative exploration during the design process.



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CoverDesignAI Use Cases

The book cover will have an illustration of a little boy standing in a field of flowers with the starry sky in the background.

The title of the book will be in cursive, handwritten font and will be placed in the upper half of the cover. The author's name will be in a simple sans-serif font and will be placed just below the title.

The layout will be playful with the illustration taking up most of the space on the cover.

The cover will be printed on a glossy paper to make the colors pop.

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