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Build NLP apps effortlessly with Boogie. Create automated workflows, experiment with LLM prompts, upload data, regression test, and optimize your app.

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What is Boogie?

GradientJ is a comprehensive platform designed to facilitate the testing, deployment, and management of NLP applications utilizing cutting-edge language models such as GPT-4. By leveraging GradientJ, developers can swiftly and effectively construct robust natural language processing applications with utmost ease and efficiency.


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  • What is GradientJ?icon plus
  • How can I enhance the accuracy of my models?icon plus
  • What can I do with live user feedback?icon plus
  • How can I orchestrate and manage complex applications?icon plus
  • What does GradientJ provide?icon plus

Boogie Use Cases

Discover and maintain the best prompts by saving versions and comparing them across benchmark examples

Enhance the accuracy of your models by integrating them with your proprietary data

Close the data loop and use your live user feedback to A/B test prompts, fine-tune existing ones, and discover insights about your models

Orchestrate and manage complex applications by chaining prompts and knowledge bases into complex APIs

Get an easy to monitor deployment in one click

Build NLP Applications in Minutes

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