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Create and monetize language models effortlessly with Retune. Train and customize your own AI assistant for any industry using GPT-3. Integrate it into your applications with our API.

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What is Retune?

re:tune is a comprehensive platform designed for individuals who want to create AI applications effortlessly, without any coding requirements. With its no-code AI app solution, re:tune equips users with all the essential tools to revolutionize businesses using AI technology. This versatile platform enables the development of various AI applications, ranging from personalized chatbots to self-governing agents.


Price starting at $50/Month

Pros VS Cons

Retune offers a user-friendly interface, complete workflow management, and the ability to monetize data and fine-tuned models, along with various tiers and features for customization.
However, it lacks offline functionality, a mobile app version, multi-language support, and has limited models and APIs in the free tier, as well as a pricey higher tier and a lack of variable pricing structure.

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Retune FQA

  • What can I do with Retune?icon plus
  • Can I connect any data source to my chatbot?icon plus
  • What are the pricing plans for Retune?icon plus
  • What is included in the Hobby plan?icon plus
  • How can I get access to Retune?icon plus

Retune Use Cases

Build custom chatbots for customer support

Create AI-powered autonomous agents

Connect any data source to train your chatbot

Integrate AI with your favorite tools and platforms

Free plan for personal or hobby projects

Unlimited messages and users for startups and small businesses

Custom security, performance, and support for agencies and teams

No coding required to build AI-powered apps

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